Academic Year No. of Conference Conference Details
2022-2023 8 view
2021-2022 5 view
2020-2021 10 view
Academic Year 2022-2023
Name Title Conference Year
Ms. Janani Chaitanya Rural and Digital Marketing Strategies International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm 2023
Mr. B.Jayaram IoT and Image Processing Based Smart Door Locking System International Conference on Automation, Computing,and Renewable Systems,Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology, Pudhukottai 2022
Dr. P. Umaeswari Simulating the Rate of Prediction Error in Rainfall Big Data Forecasting Second International Conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Systems (ICIECS-2022) 2022
Ms. C. Mary Shiba Does digitalization lead to cyber crime International Marmara Scientific Research and innovation Congress 2022
Dr. P. Umaeswari Big Data Based Deep Learning for Predicting the Conditions of Patients from Medical IOT Data in Healthcare Seventh International Joint Colloquiums on Computer Electronics Electrical Mechanical and Civil - CEMC 2022 2022
Ms. L. P. Sajitha Android Based Campus Solution (AICS) For Department Management International Conference on Smart Systems and Green Energy Technologies 2022
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu Wind Turbine Instrumentation System using Labview Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT) 2022 2022
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu Facial Recognition based Attendance International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT) 2022 2022