- E. Kaleeswaran, S. Manivannan (EEE 2013-2014) started their new Venture in December 2015. They started a company, “M/s NIVI Robotics Private Limited” which is an Embedded Technology based product development start up.
- P. KARTHIK (EEE 2014-2015) started ELECTRIFIRZ, a diversified technology company that engages in the design, manufacture, home automation, wireless communication, media devices, lighting, energy efficient lighting solution and Healthcare Startup NIDHI Award 2018
- N. Suresh (EEE 2016-2017), the innovator of Smart farming using IoT, has registered his own company in the name of “GREEN FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES”
- Mr. S. Sivakumar (EEE 2017-18), ), the innovator of “Life Saving Gadget” registered his own start-up in the name of “DOBEY INNOVATORS”