RMK Store : Online Repository



Welcome to the Online Repository of Ideas Developed and Way forward plan, an initiative of the Institution’s Innovation Council of R.M.K. Engineering College (RMKEC IIC). This contains the Ideas generated by students of R.M.K. Engineering College and their Way forward plans.

This also has all relevant information of all start-ups developed or incubated in the institution with their details like Project Report.

The RMKEC IIC conducts review sessions of the ideas and helps the students to progress in the way forward plan. The repository will be updated periodically to provide the updates of new ideas added and the progresses in the way forward plans.

The access is restricted to the Principal, Dean-Research, HoDs, Research Coordinator and IIC Coordinators.

Students of R.M.K. Engineering College, interested in contributing ideas and participating in the way forward plans of their ideas, are requested to contact their respective RMKEC IIC Coordinators of their departments.

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