Academic Year No. of Awards Award Details
2022-2023 6 view
2020-2021 5 view
2019-2020 9 view
2018-2019 10 view
2017-2018 32 view
2016-2017 6 view
2015-2016 1 view
2014-2015 2 view
2012-2013 2 view

Mr. Vishnu Hassan T is appreciated by HoD for his Outstanding Performance in AMCAT Assessment Conducted during 2021-2022 and Qualified as “Campus Champ”

Dr. Selvi S, Professor, recognized for being Primary Evaluator in Toycathon 2021 by AICTE and Ministry of Education Innovation Cell

R Umadevi, IV Year received best student award from ISTE for her Overall performances in the Academic, Extracurricular and involvement in ISTE Chapter Activities during the year 2021

Dr. Selvi S, Professor, received Global Teacher Award 2021 for Excellence in Educational Services on 24.10.2021 from AKS Education Awards

Dr. A Thilagavathy, Associate Professor was awarded “Best Scientist Award” by International Journal of MC Square Scientific Research during International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Management - 2021 held between 21-23 January 2021
