Club Activities
Club Activities OVERVIEW
Academic Year No of Clubs Clubs List
2021-2022 10 view
2020-2021 11 view
Academic Year 2020-2021
Caption Name Of Event Date Photo Link Video Link
News Letter S&H Depatment NewsLetter 30/Oct/2021 View View
Yoga Club Report - Yoga Club- 2020-21 30/Oct/2020 View
Photography Club Report - Photography Club Events 30/Oct/2020 View View
Science and Innovation Club Sustainable Development Goals – Online quiz 30/Jan/2021 View
Astronomy club - Odd Sem Identification of Celestrial Objects using Star Tracker Mobile App Poster Presentation Competition 29/Dec/2021 View View
TEDx club -JAM:Create a one minute video explaining the topic on which you would give a talk. Burgeon Discourse-A short talk 28/Dec/2021 View View
Language club- Create a digital Curriculum Vitae / Resume that portrays your interest "Creative Writing Theme: Life on Land SDG-15" 22/Dec/2021 View View
Math club Crack the Ramanujan Math Square 22/Dec/2021 View View
Eco Club Report - Eco Club- 2020-21 21/Jan/2010 View
Cultural Club Creative Skills - Cultural Club - ODD Sem Painting,Drawing,Pottery,Knitting 11/Nov/2021 View View
Coding club - ODD Sem-"Online Quiz through GForm Title: Fundamentals of Computer" Online Quiz -Fundamentals of Computer 08/Nov/2021 View View