Academic Year No. of Conference Conference Details
2017-2018 8 view
2016-2017 21 view
2015-2016 9 view
2014-2015 14 view
Academic Year 2015-2016
Name Title Conference Year
S.Vijayakumar Naive Bayes Classification Over Semantically Secure RSA Encrypted Relational Data National Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences 2016
Umamageswaran J Application To Mobilise Activities In An Social Organisation International Conference On Theory And Practical Relation In Engineering 2016
Umamageswaran J Agent-Based Adaptive Resource Allocation on the Cloud Computing Environment Sixth National Conference On Information and Communication Engineering 2016
Dr. Radhika S A Neural Network Approach For Identification Of Multiplicative Noise' International Conference on Science,Technology,Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM 2016) 2016
Dr.KVijaya Evidence Based Health Care Systems Using Big Data for Disease Diagnosis International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics 2016
Dr.KVijaya Dynamic Bus Arrival Time Prediction:A Proposal National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering 2016
K.ChidambaraThanu Predicting Sentiment for Political Reviews using Word Alignment Model of Supervised Machine Learning Technique National Conference on Cuting Edge Technologies & Bioinformatics 2016
B.PrathushaLaxmi Secured Geographic Sleep Scheduling Algorithm National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering 2016
Arthi. A Authenticated Anonymous Communications for Security Enhancement in MANET IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication systems 2015