Academic Year No. of Conference Conference Details
2017-2018 8 view
2016-2017 21 view
2015-2016 9 view
2014-2015 14 view
Academic Year 2014-2015
Name Title Conference Year
D.Rajeswari A survey of cloud computing, Architecture & Services Provided by Various cloud service providers proceedings of International Conference on Demand Computing 2017
Sandra Johnson Preserving Load Balance in Multiservice Cloud Storage International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering 2015
Sharmila Bhargavi.V Cognitive Object Detection Using Binary Large Object Algorithm National Conference on Computing And Security Technologies-NCCST 15 2015
K.Chidambara Thanu Rainfall Forecasting Using Multilayered Feed Forward Neural Network International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management 2015
Lalitha S D Three Tier Authentication National Conference on Communication & Information Technology 2015
K.SashiRekha Efficient Fault localization Mechanism using dynamic risk modeling International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management 2015
K.SashiRekha Easy SMS: A Protocol for End-to-End Secure Transmission of SMS N3CIT 2015
L.Raji Split server authentication International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management 2015
D.Steffi Wisely Embedded based Stop Line Violation Detection and Penalty Charging for Vehicles International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management 2015
Sharmila Bhargavi.V Securing reliable information of e-documents using self-validation technique National Conference on Computing Communication & Information Technology (N3CIT ‘15) 2015
L.Raji Antispam Video Filtering System 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing 2015
Ponniyun Selvan K Answer Sheet Validation using Matlabs Neural Networks ToolBox International Conference on Science , Technology, Engineering and Management 2015
Lalitha S D Context based mobile search engine with enhanced privacy and location settings National Conference on Communication & Information Technology 2015
UmamageswaranJ Divulging Search Logs Proceedings of National Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies 2014