Academic Year No. of Conference Conference Details
2021-2022 24 view
2017-2018 9 view
2016-2017 9 view
2015-2016 4 view
2014-2015 5 view
2013-2014 2 view
2012-2013 3 view
2011-2012 3 view
2010-2011 2 view
2009-2010 1 view
2008-2009 5 view
2007-2008 5 view
2006-2007 5 view
2005-2006 5 view
2004-2005 6 view
2003-2004 2 view
2001-2002 1 view
Academic Year 2011-2012
Name Title Conference Year
S. Kokila, Smitha Gopinath, A. Rama Chandra Murthy Cost Analysis Of Composite Materials For Retrofitting Applications Second National Conference on Latest Advancements in Civil Engineering 2012
Ms.P. Rekha Suction Characteristics of lime treated expansive soil National Advances in Environmental Geotechnics, SSN College of Engineering 2012
Sudhakar S and Nallayarasu S Influence of Heave plate on Hydrodynamic response of Spar International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Artic Engineering OMAE 49565, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2011