Academic Year No. of Awards Award Details
2022-2023 19 view
2021-2022 53 view
2020-2021 35 view
2019-2020 199 view
2018-2019 783 view
2017-2018 828 view
2016-2017 442 view
2015-2016 88 view
2014-2015 9 view
2013-2014 7 view
2012-2013 3 view
2011-2012 8 view
2010-2011 2 view
2009-2010 2 view
2008-2009 3 view
2007-2008 2 view
2006-2007 1 view

"Accolades!!!"---Certificate of Participation awarded to Dr.T.Blesslin Sheeba,Prof/ECE Dept.,for presenting a paper titled "Design and Implementation of Flexible Reconfigurable Turbo Decoder" at the "1st International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (2IES-14)", organized by EASA College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore.

"Hearty Wishes!!!"--- Certificate of Participation awarded to Ms.B.Jeyapoornima, AP/ECE,for attending One-Day National Seminar on "Research Challenges in Harnessing Solar Energy and Its Grid Integration",organized by School of Electrical Engineering,VIT,Chennai.

"Outstanding Effort!!!"-- Certificate of Appreciation awarded to Dr.Elwin Chandra Monie,Principal & Prof,for his valuable contribution towards Excellent Academic Performance of Students and Achieving "100% result" for the subject "Low Power VLSI",for the branch 3-M.E-VLSI in Anna University Examination.

"Heartfelt Congrats!!!"---Certificate of Appreciation awarded to Mr.M.Somasundaram,Prof/ECE Dept.,for contributing as one of the "Judges and Competition Coordinators" in the Paper Presentation,Quiz and Mini Projects Competitions as a part of CSE Tech Club Activities 2013-2014.

"Accolades!!!"---Certificate of Participation awarded to Ms.B.Jeyapoornima ASP/ECE Dept.,for Participating in the Two-Day Seminar on "Modern Trends in Electromagnetic Interference[EMI] and Electromagnetic Compatibility [EMC] Industrial Applications" Conducted by Dept., of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering ,organized @ RMK Engineering College.

"Accolades!!!"---Certificate of Participation awarded to Dr Elwin Chandra Monie,Principal & Prof/ECE Dept.,for actively participating in the First Edition of "National Higher Education Conclave",Organized by "Confederation of India Industry [CII]" ,Coimbatore Zone & Institute of Quality,held @ Coimbatore.

"Accolades!!!"---Certificate of Participation awarded to Dr.T.Blesslin Sheeba,Prof/ECE Dept.,for Participating in the Two-Day Seminar on "Modern Trends in Electromagnetic Interference[EMI] and Electromagnetic Compatibility [EMC] Industrial Applications" Conducted by Dept., of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering ,organized @ RMK Engineering College.
