Prof. K. Chandrasekaran possesses a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Madras, along with a Master of Technology degree in Engineering Mechanics and a Doctoral Degree in Aeronautical Engineering both from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He has over 31 years of teaching and research experience in the colleges under the Directorate of Technical Education and in Anna University. He served in the College of Engineering, Guindy, a constituent of Anna University in various capacities including the Headship of Department of Mechanical Engineering. Prior to joining the R.M.K. Engineering College in 1998, he was the Director of AU-FEG Institute for CAD / CAM, Anna University. He has undertaken several funded projects with external funding of more than Rs.40 Lakhs from various funding agencies. He has guided to completion 4 doctoral scholars and has over 30 publications in International Journals and International Conference Proceedings. He has been a consultant to many automotive industries in Chennai.