Energy and Infrastructure
Green Building / Zero energy building
High performance buildings - energy savings in building
Renewable energy systems in smart cities and communities
Emerging energy sources in infrastructure development
Structural Engineering/Construction Management
Finite Element Modeling and Analysis
Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of structures
Earthquake Resistant Structures
Smart Structures, Materials and Prefabricated structures
Development of advanced and alternate construction materials
and technology
Construction Planning and Management
Composite and Nano materials
Environmental Geotechnics
Ground Improvement and geosynthetics
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Structure Interaction
Intelligent transport & pavement management system
Computer application in Traffic Engineering
Applications of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS
Remote sensing for Disaster monitoring, mitigation and assessment.
Environmental/WaterResources/Ocean Engineering
Surface water and Ground water Modeling
Water resources planning and management
Solid and hazardous waste management
Environmental pollution monitoring and management
Innovative techniques in Waste water treatment
Coastal and Offshore Structures.