
Today, the scientific community increasingly recognizes that environmental degradation is having a significant impact on human development. Notably, it is the poor who are disproportionately affected by the degradation of their land, air, water and biological resources, with many lacking access to clean and affordable water and energy services.
Ensuring environmental sustainability and access to energy services is key to achieving all of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – the eight goals that represent a global commitment to make rapid progress on key development issues. There is a “Centre for Energy and Sustainable Resources” in R.M.K.Engineering College involved in projects pertaining to Energy,Water and Environment. It is headed by Dr.A.Jagadeesh.
The Projects are: |
Ongoing Research Projects by Dr.A.Jagadeesh : |
- Power from Pumped Water, NABARD
- Safe Drinking Water for All,DST,Government of India,
- Innovative Low-cost Technologies for Sustainable Rural Development, NABARD,
Project Sanctioned (Dr.A.Jagadeesh) : |
- Everybody’s Wind Battery Charger, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, New Delhi,
Keynote address at Conferences by Dr.A.Jagadeesh: |
1. Keynote Address on Renewable Energy for Desert Regions, Global Conference on Renewables and Energy Efficiency for Desert Regions, March 31 – April 2, 2009, Amman, Jordan.
2. Keynote Address on “Innovative Technologies for Integrated Development”, International onference on Nuclear & Renewable Energy Sources, 28-29 September 2009, Ankara, Turkey.
3. Keynote address,” Green Technologies for Sustainable Development” : Two-day ‘National youth forum on green energy solutions meeting global concerns’, organised by the departments of physics and Chemistry of Maris Stella College, Vijayawada sponsored by UGC, CSIR, DAE 19-20 November 2009.
Honour for Dr.A.Jagadeesh : |
1. Dr.A.Jagadeesh, Head, R & D has been presented the prestigious Dr.Ramineni Foundation Award for his contributions to the field of Science and Technology on 12th October 2009 in Hyderabad. The award carries a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh, Citation and Memento. |
2. Dr.A.Jagadeesh has been appointed as Associate Editor of an International Journal of Electrical Energy Systems (IJEESS), Spain. |
3. Dr.A.Jagadeesh has been appointed in the IASTED Technical Committee on Environmental Systems for the term 2009-2012. |
4. Dr.A.Jagadeesh Invited to as Chairman/Keynote Speaker at International Conferences: |
- Chairman, Monitoring and Scientific Committee,2010 Scientific Symposium on Socio-Economic Impact of Natural Climate Change,Torquay,Victoria,Australia 12-14 July 2010.
- Special Session,”Renewable Energy for Integrated Development”.The Third IASTED African Conference on Power and Energy Systems” Africa PES 2010”,Gaborone,Botswana.6-8 September 2010
- Chairman of a Session,2010 Pilot International Conference on Global Sustainable Development,Climate Change, A Challenge to Business in the 21st Century,Commonwealth Resort Hotel , Munyanyo, Kampala, Uganda 19-21 November 2010.