By Mr Deepak Ganesan and Dr. V.SIVAKUMAR

Title: Smart Tyre Pressure Handler

Patent Application No: 201641013417.

Tires do not only leak air if punctured, they also leak air naturally, and over a year, even a typical new, properly mounted tire can lose from 20 to 60 kPa (3 to 9 psi), roughly 10% or even more of its initial pressure, estimated that 41% of accidents with physical injuries are linked to tire problems. In order to overcome the above mentioned problem this method is proposed and the method is based on the self inflation system, with an additional setup to improve the performance. The exhaust gases are used for providing hot atmospheric air to the peristaltic tubes to provide inflation in a quick time & we can get an pressure output of nearly 100psi with which we can produce an power output of 1kw which can be stored in the battery of automobiles. By this technique we can maintain the tyre pressure at an optimum level & we can provide an power output of nearly 1kw,by maintaining tyre pressure at an optimum level, we can improve the fuel efficiency by 2% & avoid decrease in tyre life of nearly 25%,we can also avoid pollution by controlling emission of 2million tonnes of co2 into atmosphere. Application of this system includes marginal manufacturing cost since it includes only two new components into current automobiles (heavy vehicle).

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