Conference / Symposium Overview
Name | Title | conference | Year |
Name | Title | conference | Year |
Dr. P.S. Latha Mageshwari | International Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Dr. S. Pavai Madheshwari | International Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Dr. S.D. Uma Mageshwari | International Conference of peace, prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Ms. Lalitha Ramachandran | International Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Name | Title | conference | Year |
Dr. P.S. Latha Mageshwari | International Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Dr. S. Pavai Madheshwari | International Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Dr. S.D. Uma Mageshwari | International Conference of peace, prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Ms. Lalitha Ramachandran | International Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3) | International | 2022 |
Name | Title | conference | Year |
Dr. S.Ramya | International Sciences And Innovation Congress | International | 2022 |
Ms. Lalitha Ramachandran | International conference on gender equality and women empowerment | International | 2022 |
Ms. Lalitha Ramachandran | Holistic value creation through sustainable development | National | 2022 |
Name | Title | conference | Year |
Dr. G. Nixon Samuel Vijayakumar | National Level Virtual Conference on National Education Policy:A Quality Enhancer for Inculcation of Human Values in Higher Education Institutions | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr.P.S.Latha Mageshwari | Virtual Conference on “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Catalysis” | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr.P.S.Latha Mageshwari | Energy Conversion and Storage | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr.P.S.Latha Mageshwari | Advanced Materials for Future and Technology | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr.P.S.Latha Mageshwari | FDP on Advanced Science and Technology | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr.P.S.Latha Mageshwari | Modeling of Crystal Growth Processess and Design | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr.P.S.Latha Mageshwari | Virtual Conference on “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Catalysis” | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr. M. Meena | 4th International Conference on Covid-19 Studies | Intenational | 2021 |
Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi | 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COVID-19 STUDIES | International | 2021 |
Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi | International Conference on Light Matter Interaction (ICLMIN-2021) | International | 2021 |
Ms. A.Parvathi Priya | ICIECS – 2021 | International | 2021 |
Mr. M. Muthukumar | National Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Computing | International | 2021 |
Ms. P.Sukania/ Ms. N.Meenatchi | Stochastic Modeling and Computational Techniques | National | 2021 |
Dr. S. Karthikeyan | International Conference on Mathematical Techniques and Applications (ICMTA-2021) | International | 2021 |
Dr. S. Karthikeyan | International Conference on New Trends in Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics (ICNTDEAM-2021) | International | 2021 |
Ms. V. Sharmila Bhargavi | International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Smart Communication and Network Technologies (ICICSCNT 2021) | International | 2021 |
Ms. V. S. Binu | Two Day Virtual Conference on “Online University Education and English Language Teaching: Scope and Challenges” | International | 2021 |
Name | Title | conference | Year |
Dr. S.Ramya | International E-conference on Advanced Science, Engineering,Technology & Management(ICARSETM-2020) | International | 2020 |
Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi | Virtual Conference on “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Catalysis” | International | 2020 |
Dr. C.K. Sivashankari | “International Conference on Innovative Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research and Practices” | International | 2020 |
Dr. C.K. Sivashankari | Advances in Mathematics | International | 2020 |
Dr. C.K. Sivashankari | Web Conference on pure and Applied Mathematics | International | 2020 |
Dr. Jagadesan. A | Materials for energy harvesting and Catalysis | International | 2020 |
Name | Title | Conference | Year |
Suganthi P | A Geo/G/1 Discrete time retrial queue with displacement, Bernoulli vacation and change of vacation | 2nd International conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM-18) | 2019 |
Pavai Madheswari & Suganthi, P | Analysis of Discrete Time Retrial Queueing Model with Changes in Vacation Times for Energy Saving in WSNs | 12th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ � 2018) | 2019 |
Suganthi P | Performance Analysis of Discrete time retrial queue with general retrial times and unreliable server | International conference of Cyber Physical Systems (ICCPS�18) | 2019 |
Pavai Madheswari & Suganthi, P | Discrete Time Geo/G/1 retrial queue with customer balking, displacement and Bernoulli Feedback | International Conference on Advances in Applied Probability and Stochastic Process (ICAAP&SP@CMS2019) | 2019 |
Dr.S.Karthikeyan | Stability of n-Dimensional Mixed Type Additive and Quadratic Functional Equation | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT SCENARIO IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICCSPAM 2019) | 2019 |
Dr.S.Karthikeyan | Stability of Quadratic-Reciprocal Functional Equation Connected With Fuzzy Banach Algebras | National Conference on Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics (NCRTPAM-2018) | 2018 |
Mr.A.Jagadesan | Growth structure and spectroscopic studies of an organic optical material :4 Aminopyridinium 4 Nitrophenolate 4 Nitrophenol single crystal | International Conference on Advance in New Materials | 2018 |
Name | Title | Conference | Year |
Ms.X.Ignatious Viola | A Cost Effective Solution for Data Deduplication in Big Data Using Kafka | International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems – ICCPS-2018 | 2018 |
Dr.S. Pavai Madheswari | Discrete Time Geo/G/1 Retrial Queue with Displacement and Feedback | International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems – ICCPS- 2018 | 2018 |
Dr.S. Pavai Madheswari | Performance Analysis of a Discrete Time Retrial Queue with General Retrial Times Unreliable Server | International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems – ICCPS- 2018 | 2018 |
Mr.S. Karthikeyan | Fuzzy Banach Algebra Stability of Reciprocal Quadratic Functional Equation via Fixed Point Approach | National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics & its Applications (NCRTMA’18), Feb 23rd- 24th�2018 | 2018 |
Ms.X.Ignatious Viola | Data Deduplication for Disaster Recovery in Private Cloud Storage | National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and applications in Engineering and Technology,Hindustan University. | 2018 |
Mr.S. Karthikeyan | Generalized Ulam-Hyers Stability Of (a,b;k>0)- Cubic Functional Equation In Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed Spaces | The International Conference on Applied Analysis, Mathematical Modeling and Computing Techniques (ICA2M2CT 2018) | 2018 |
Mr.S. Karthikeyan | Stability Behaviors of Radical Quadratic Functional Equation in Random Banach Space | The International Conference on Applied Analysis, Mathematical Modeling and Computing Techniques (ICA2M2CT 2018) | 2018 |
Mr.S. Karthikeyan | A Fixed Point Approach to the Stability of Reciprocal Quadratic Functional Equation in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Banach Algebras | International Conference On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets And Their Applications, January 10 and 11, 2018 | 2018 |
Dr.S.Pavai Madheswari | Performance Analysis of M/G/1 feedback retrial queues with unbeliable server under modified Bernoulli vacation schedule. | International Conference in operations Research and Statistics,IIT,Roortee. | 2017 |
Dr.P.Suganthi | Performance Analysis of M/G/1 feedback retrial queues with unbeliable server under modified Bernoulli vacation schedule. | International Conference in operations Research and Statistics,IIT,Roortee. | 2017 |
Mr. Karthikeyan S . | Intuitionistic Stability of a Quadratic Functional Equation Originating from the Sum of the Medians of a Triangle | International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering and Technology (ICMA 2017), Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur | 2017 |
S. Karthikeyan | Stability of DGCs Quadratic Functional Equation in Quasi- Banach Algebras: Direct and Fixed point Methods | International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering and Technology (ICMA 2017), Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur. | 2017 |
Name | Title | Conference | Year |
S. Karthikeyan | Fuzzy stabilty of a quadratic functional equation originating from the median of a triangle | National conference on advanced trends in Mathematics(NCATM-2017) | 2017 |
Pavai Madheswari S., B. Krishna Kumar, Suganth | Steady State Analysis of an M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Second Optional Service and Customer Balking under Two Types of Bernoulli Vacation Schedules | The 11th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ11), August 31 to September 2, 2015, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands. | 2016 |
Dr.S.Pavai Madheswari Dr.S.Radhika X.Ignatious Vi | Improving De-Duplication Efficiency with Multilevel Hashing in cloud storage Backup. | International Conference on Computing Communication and Information Science | 2016 |
Name | Title | Conference | Year |
M.Arunkumar, S.Karthikeyan, S.Ramamoorthi | Generalized Ulam-Hyers Stability of n-Dimensional Cubic Functional Equation in FNS and RNS: Direct and Fixed Point Methods | International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, 29th April 2016, St. Joseph�s Institute of Technology, OMR, Chennai-119. | 2016 |
Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Lagrange’s Quadratic Functional Equation Connected With Homomorphisms and Derivations On Lie C*-Algebras: Direct And Fixed Point Methods | National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015) | 2015 |
Ms.P.Suganthi | Retrial Queueing System with Retention Impatient Customers | National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015) | 2015 |
Name | Title | Conference | Year |
M.Arunkumar, S.Karthikeyan, S.Ramamoorthi | Generalized Ulam-Hyers Stability of n-Dimensional Cubic Functional Equation in FNS and RNS: Direct and Fixed Point Methods | International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, 29th April 2016, St. Joseph�s Institute of Technology, OMR, Chennai-119. | 2016 |
Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Lagrange’s Quadratic Functional Equation Connected With Homomorphisms and Derivations On Lie C*-Algebras: Direct And Fixed Point Methods | National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015) | 2015 |
Ms.P.Suganthi | Retrial Queueing System with Retention Impatient Customers | National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015) | 2015 |
Name | Title | Conference | Year |
Mr.A.Jagadesan | National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015) | 19th National seminar on crystal growth (NSCG-2015) | 2015 |
Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Fuzzy Stability Of A Quadratic Functional Equation Originating From The Median Of A Triangle: Direct And Fixed Point Methods | National Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics (NCAAM-2015) | 2015 |
Ms.P.Suganthi | Retrial Queueing System with Customer Impatience from the orbit | National Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics (NCAAM-2015) | 2015 |
Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Stability of a Quadratic Functional Equation Originating from the median of a Triangle: Fixed Point Method | National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications (NCMCA-2015) | 2015 |