Conference / Symposium

Conference / Symposium Overview

Dr. P.S. Latha MageshwariInternational Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Dr. S. Pavai MadheshwariInternational Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Dr. S.D. Uma MageshwariInternational Conference of peace, prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Ms. Lalitha RamachandranInternational Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Dr. P.S. Latha MageshwariInternational Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Dr. S. Pavai MadheshwariInternational Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Dr. S.D. Uma MageshwariInternational Conference of peace, prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Ms. Lalitha RamachandranInternational Conference of Peace, Prudence and Prosperity(ICP3)International2022
Dr. S.RamyaInternational Sciences And Innovation CongressInternational2022
Ms. Lalitha RamachandranInternational conference on gender equality and women empowermentInternational2022
Ms. Lalitha RamachandranHolistic value creation through sustainable developmentNational2022
Dr. G. Nixon Samuel VijayakumarNational Level Virtual Conference on National Education Policy:A Quality Enhancer for Inculcation of Human Values in Higher Education InstitutionsIntenational2021
Dr.P.S.Latha MageshwariVirtual Conference on “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Catalysis”Intenational2021
Dr.P.S.Latha MageshwariEnergy Conversion and StorageIntenational2021
Dr.P.S.Latha MageshwariAdvanced Materials for Future and TechnologyIntenational2021
Dr.P.S.Latha MageshwariFDP on Advanced Science and TechnologyIntenational2021
Dr.P.S.Latha MageshwariModeling of Crystal Growth Processess and DesignIntenational2021
Dr.P.S.Latha MageshwariVirtual Conference on “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Catalysis”Intenational2021
Dr. M. Meena4th International Conference on Covid-19 StudiesIntenational2021
Dr. A. VijayalakshmiInternational Conference on Light Matter Interaction (ICLMIN-2021)International2021
Ms. A.Parvathi PriyaICIECS – 2021International2021
Mr. M. MuthukumarNational Conference on Mathematical Analysis and ComputingInternational2021
Ms. P.Sukania/ Ms. N.MeenatchiStochastic Modeling and Computational TechniquesNational2021
Dr. S. KarthikeyanInternational Conference on Mathematical Techniques and Applications (ICMTA-2021)International2021
Dr. S. KarthikeyanInternational Conference on New Trends in Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics (ICNTDEAM-2021)International2021
Ms. V. Sharmila BhargaviInternational Conference on Intelligent Computing, Smart Communication and Network Technologies (ICICSCNT 2021)International2021
Ms. V. S. BinuTwo Day Virtual Conference on “Online University Education and English Language Teaching: Scope and Challenges”International2021

Dr. S.RamyaInternational E-conference on Advanced Science, Engineering,Technology & Management(ICARSETM-2020)International2020
Dr. A. VijayalakshmiVirtual Conference on “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Catalysis”International2020
Dr. C.K. Sivashankari“International Conference on Innovative Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research and Practices”International2020
Dr. C.K. SivashankariAdvances in MathematicsInternational2020
Dr. C.K. SivashankariWeb Conference on pure and Applied MathematicsInternational2020
Dr. Jagadesan. AMaterials for energy harvesting and CatalysisInternational2020
Suganthi PA Geo/G/1 Discrete time retrial queue with displacement, Bernoulli vacation and change of vacation2nd International conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM-18)2019
Pavai Madheswari & Suganthi, PAnalysis of Discrete Time Retrial Queueing Model with Changes in Vacation Times for Energy Saving in WSNs12th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ � 2018)2019
Suganthi PPerformance Analysis of Discrete time retrial queue with general retrial times and unreliable serverInternational conference of Cyber Physical Systems (ICCPS�18)2019
Pavai Madheswari & Suganthi, PDiscrete Time Geo/G/1 retrial queue with customer balking, displacement and Bernoulli FeedbackInternational Conference on Advances in Applied Probability and Stochastic Process (ICAAP&SP@CMS2019)2019
Dr.S.KarthikeyanStability of n-Dimensional Mixed Type Additive and Quadratic Functional EquationINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT SCENARIO IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICCSPAM 2019)2019
Dr.S.KarthikeyanStability of Quadratic-Reciprocal Functional Equation Connected With Fuzzy Banach AlgebrasNational Conference on Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics (NCRTPAM-2018)2018
Mr.A.JagadesanGrowth structure and spectroscopic studies of an organic optical material :4 Aminopyridinium 4 Nitrophenolate 4 Nitrophenol single crystalInternational Conference on Advance in New Materials2018
Ms.X.Ignatious ViolaA Cost Effective Solution for Data Deduplication in Big Data Using KafkaInternational Conference on Cyber Physical Systems – ICCPS-20182018
Dr.S. Pavai MadheswariDiscrete Time Geo/G/1 Retrial Queue with Displacement and FeedbackInternational Conference on Cyber Physical Systems – ICCPS- 20182018
Dr.S. Pavai MadheswariPerformance Analysis of a Discrete Time Retrial Queue with General Retrial Times Unreliable ServerInternational Conference on Cyber Physical Systems – ICCPS- 20182018
Mr.S. KarthikeyanFuzzy Banach Algebra Stability of Reciprocal Quadratic Functional Equation via Fixed Point ApproachNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics & its Applications (NCRTMA’18), Feb 23rd- 24th�20182018
Ms.X.Ignatious ViolaData Deduplication for Disaster Recovery in Private Cloud StorageNational Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and applications in Engineering and Technology,Hindustan University.2018
Mr.S. KarthikeyanGeneralized Ulam-Hyers Stability Of (a,b;k>0)- Cubic Functional Equation In Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed SpacesThe International Conference on Applied Analysis, Mathematical Modeling and Computing Techniques (ICA2M2CT 2018)2018
Mr.S. KarthikeyanStability Behaviors of Radical Quadratic Functional Equation in Random Banach SpaceThe International Conference on Applied Analysis, Mathematical Modeling and Computing Techniques (ICA2M2CT 2018)2018
Mr.S. KarthikeyanA Fixed Point Approach to the Stability of Reciprocal Quadratic Functional Equation in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Banach AlgebrasInternational Conference On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets And Their Applications, January 10 and 11, 20182018
Dr.S.Pavai MadheswariPerformance Analysis of M/G/1 feedback retrial queues with unbeliable server under modified Bernoulli vacation schedule.International Conference in operations Research and Statistics,IIT,Roortee.2017
Dr.P.SuganthiPerformance Analysis of M/G/1 feedback retrial queues with unbeliable server under modified Bernoulli vacation schedule.International Conference in operations Research and Statistics,IIT,Roortee.2017
Mr. Karthikeyan S .Intuitionistic Stability of a Quadratic Functional Equation Originating from the Sum of the Medians of a TriangleInternational Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering and Technology (ICMA 2017), Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur2017
S. KarthikeyanStability of DGCs Quadratic Functional Equation in Quasi- Banach Algebras: Direct and Fixed point MethodsInternational Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering and Technology (ICMA 2017), Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur.2017
S. KarthikeyanFuzzy stabilty of a quadratic functional equation originating from the median of a triangleNational conference on advanced trends in Mathematics(NCATM-2017)2017
Pavai Madheswari S., B. Krishna Kumar, SuganthSteady State Analysis of an M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Second Optional Service and Customer Balking under Two Types of Bernoulli Vacation SchedulesThe 11th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ11), August 31 to September 2, 2015, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands.2016
Dr.S.Pavai Madheswari Dr.S.Radhika X.Ignatious ViImproving De-Duplication Efficiency with Multilevel Hashing in cloud storage Backup.International Conference on Computing Communication and Information Science2016
M.Arunkumar, S.Karthikeyan, S.RamamoorthiGeneralized Ulam-Hyers Stability of n-Dimensional Cubic Functional Equation in FNS and RNS: Direct and Fixed Point MethodsInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, 29th April 2016, St. Joseph�s Institute of Technology, OMR, Chennai-119.2016
Mr.S.KarthikeyanLagrange’s Quadratic Functional Equation Connected With Homomorphisms and Derivations On Lie C*-Algebras: Direct And Fixed Point MethodsNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015)2015
Ms.P.SuganthiRetrial Queueing System with Retention Impatient CustomersNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015)2015
M.Arunkumar, S.Karthikeyan, S.RamamoorthiGeneralized Ulam-Hyers Stability of n-Dimensional Cubic Functional Equation in FNS and RNS: Direct and Fixed Point MethodsInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, 29th April 2016, St. Joseph�s Institute of Technology, OMR, Chennai-119.2016
Mr.S.KarthikeyanLagrange’s Quadratic Functional Equation Connected With Homomorphisms and Derivations On Lie C*-Algebras: Direct And Fixed Point MethodsNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015)2015
Ms.P.SuganthiRetrial Queueing System with Retention Impatient CustomersNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015)2015
Mr.A.JagadesanNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCRTMAA-2015)19th National seminar on crystal growth (NSCG-2015)2015
Mr.S.KarthikeyanFuzzy Stability Of A Quadratic Functional Equation Originating From The Median Of A Triangle: Direct And Fixed Point MethodsNational Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics (NCAAM-2015)2015
Ms.P.SuganthiRetrial Queueing System with Customer Impatience from the orbitNational Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics (NCAAM-2015)2015
Mr.S.KarthikeyanStability of a Quadratic Functional Equation Originating from the median of a Triangle: Fixed Point MethodNational Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications (NCMCA-2015)2015
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