“R.M.K.Engineering College RECEIVES ITS 9th PATENT GRANT: Hearty Congratulations to RMKEC EEE Department for receiving PATENT GRANT for their Invention “HYDROPONICS CONTROLLER WITH AUTOMATION, REMOTE MONITORING AND CONTROL USING IOT” by The Patent Office, Government of India.Patentees for Invention : Mr. N Suresh, 2017 batch EEE student, Dr. M.S. Kavitha, Associate Professor/ECE and Dr. Geetha Ramadas, HoD/EEE
R.M.K.Engineering College RECEIVES ITS 9th PATENT GRANT
- Hearty Congratulations Team Naveena Tamizhar!!!
- Hearty Congratulations Team YOUTHTECH!!!
- Hearty Congratulations!!!
- Hearty Congratulations!!!
- Hearty Congratulations!!!
- R.M.K.Engineering College RECEIVES ITS 21st PATENT GRANT:
- Welcome to the World wide online conference on ICHVHE 2024
- RMKEC has achieved an A++ grade
- Blood Donation Camp
- இளநிலை நிரல் திருவிழா JUNIOR HACKATHON