Hearty Congratulations to RMKEC CIVIL Department for receiving *PATENT GRANT* for their Invention“3D Print surface smoothening by mechanical smoothening multi-axis probe”by The Patent Office, Government of India.Patentees for Invention: Pranoj D M, S.Aravind, Dr.BinuSukumar, HoD/CIVIL
R.M.K.Engineering College RECEIVES ITS 13th PATENT GRANT:
- Hearty Congratulations Team Naveena Tamizhar!!!
- Hearty Congratulations Team YOUTHTECH!!!
- Hearty Congratulations!!!
- Hearty Congratulations!!!
- Hearty Congratulations!!!
- R.M.K.Engineering College RECEIVES ITS 21st PATENT GRANT:
- Welcome to the World wide online conference on ICHVHE 2024
- RMKEC has achieved an A++ grade
- Blood Donation Camp
- இளநிலை நிரல் திருவிழா JUNIOR HACKATHON