About Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- R.M.K. Engineering College has established the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) as an ecosystem to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship among students and faculty members in line with the objectives and directions set by the Government of India.
- The activities of the CIE are governed by the Institution’s Innovation Cell(IIC) and National Innovation and Start-up Policy (NISP) approved by Ministry of Education, Government of India.
- 17 IIC Calendar Entrepreneurial Activity, 10 MIC Driven Innovation Activity and 123 Self Driven Innovation and Entrepreneurship activity were organized for students and faculty in the academic year 2021-2022.
- Won prizes in Smart India Hackathon 2022 and Innovation Contest 2022, deposited 173 Ideas in YUKTI – National innovation Repository(NIR) Portal and Mentoring 10 Engineering College under Mentor-Mentee Scheme to initiate Entrepreneurship.
- Received MSME Champion Scheme fund of Rs. 13,20,000, Received Rs. 56,000/- funding for Patent Publication under Kapila Scheme, by IIC MoE and Received Grant Rs. 1,00,000 funding to organize Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme (WEDP) under DST, Government of India.
- Organize internal Hackathons, Idea competition, Innovation Ambassador Program, Workshop on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development, Startup policy initiative, Mini-challenges, Project Expo, Field visit to villages, Schools and Incubation centers, Business Plan Contest, Intellectual Property Rights workshop, Entrepreneur Talk, Leadership Talk, Innovation day Celebrations, Start-up and Entrepreneur Award functions with the involvement of industries.
- RMKEC Incubation Centre , recognized by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India (Ref. No.: HI/TN/568/00006) providing facilities for entrepreneurs to establish 153 start-up (10 Start-up with GST Registration) on Campus.
- Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) as part of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Program (IEDP) supported by Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute – Tamilnadu (EDII-TN) to trained students interested in Entrepreneurship.
- The intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell to support the faculty members and students to 123 Published patent and 3 Copyrights out of which 15 Patents were granted.
- Through RMKEC Start-up Program many students and faculty received seed fund to do Start-up which initiate to receive 2nd rank in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) under the category Self-Financed Colleges (Technical) across the country and IIC 4 star rating which relates to “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Culture” amongst students and faculty.
Inauguration – IIC Innovation Ambassador Training

Workshop on Funding Opportunities for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Seminar on Entrepreneurship (Creating new Thinking and Attitude)

Following are the Incubation and Pre-Incubation centres established under CIE in R.M.K. Engineering College:

Establishing of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) as per the procedures set by Ministry of Education (MoE)’s Innovation Cell (MIC), Govt. of India to create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem and start-up supporting mechanism in the institution (Please refer https://www.mic.gov.in/iic.php)
Hosted the IIC Innovation Ambassador Training Series Program at R.M.K. Engineering College jointly organized by AICTE and MIC on January 8 and 9, 2020 for about 250 faculty members as participants from 65 institutions.

Participation in ‘Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)’ of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India (Please refer https://www.ariia.gov.in/)

Participation every year in Smart India Hackathon and won Prizes during 2018,2019,2020,2021&2022 organized by MoE, AICTE and hosted the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon in 2018 (Please refer https://www.sih.gov.in/)

RMKEC Incubation Centre recognized by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India (Ref. No.: HI/TN/568/00006) providing facilities for entrepreneurs to establish start-up companies (Please refer https://msme.gov.in/)

Participation in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) Program by the National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) under Department of Science and Technology (Please refer http://www.nstedb.com/)

Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) as part of Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) supported by Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute – Tamilnadu (EDII-TN) to trained students interested in Entrepreneurship (Please refer https://www.editn.in/)

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – Cell to support the faculty members and students to apply for IPRs and receive the grant of IPRs in coordination with Intellectual Property India under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India (Please refer http://www.ipindia.nic.in/).