Faculty Development Programs
Faculty Name | Name of FDP | Date FromTo | Organized By |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Emerging Techniques in IT Domain | 11.07.2024 13.07.2024 | NITTTR |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | The future of Quantum Computing and High-Performance Computing (HPC) | 23.12.2024 28.12.2024 | PSV College of Engineering and Ttechnology |
Dr.V.R.Kavitha | Introduction to IoT | Jul 2024 Oct 2024 | NPTEL |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Web Development Frameworks | 13.12.2024 | RMKCET |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Data Science for Engineers | Jul 2024 Sep 2025 | NPTEL |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Curriculam Development Process | 22.07.2024 26.07.2024 | NITTTR |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Developing Ethics and Values in Curriculum Implementation | 01.07.2024 05.07.2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. S.Jhansi Ida | Data Science and MAchine Learning | 23.09.2024 27.09.2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. S.Jhansi Ida | Strengthening Industry Academia Integration | 09.12.2024 13.12.2024 | NITTTR |
Mr. B Jayaram | Faculty Enablement Programs (FEP) on Python Programming | 28.08.2024 03.09.2024 | Infosys Spring Board |
Mr. B Jayaram | Emerging Techniques in Cyber Security for Building Resilient Network Infrastructure | 09.12.2024 14.12.2024 | Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City |
Mr. B Jayaram | AI-Driven Biomedical Technologies in Healthcare 5.0 and its Applications | 16.12.2024 21.12.2024 | Gopal Naryan Sing University |
Mr. B Jayaram | The future of Quantum computing and High-performance computing (HPC) | 23.12.2024 28.12.2024 | PSV college of engineering and technology |
Mr. C.M. Varun | Curriculam Development Process | 22.07.2024 26.07.2024 | NITTTR |
Mr. Anand Raj | Teaching – Learning process for student centric approach | 03.06.2024 07.06.2024 | NITTTR |
Mr. Anand Raj | Emerging Techniques in Cyber Security for Building Resilient Network Infrastructure | 09.12.2024 14.12.2024 | Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City |
Mr. Anand Raj | AI-Driven Biomedical Technologies in Healthcare 5.0 and its Applications | 16.12.2024 21.12.2024 | Gopal Naryan Sing University |
Mr. Anand Raj | The future of Quantum computing and High-performance computing (HPC) | 23.12.2024 28.12.2024 | PSV college of engineering and technology |
Mrs. C. Mary Shiba | Developing Ethics and Values in Curriculum Implementation | 22.07.2024 26.07.2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Developing Ethics and Values in Curriculum Implementation | 22/07/2024 26/07/2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Curriculum Development Processes | 09/09/2024 13/09/2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Data Science for Engineers | 16/09/2024 20/09/2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Cryptography and Network Security | 28/11/2024 | RMD-CSBS |
Ms. Sindhu M | Curriculam Development Process | 22.07.2024 26.07.2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. Sindhu M | Data Science For Engineers | July 2024 September 2024 | NPTEL |
Ms. Sindhu M | Planning,Execution and Evaluation | 9.9.2024 13.9.2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. Sindhu M | Cryptography and Network Security | 16.9.2024 20.9.2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. G. Nishanthi | Immersive Technology Exploring Agumented Reality &Virtual | 21.10.2024 26.10.2024 | AICTE |
Ms. G. Nishanthi | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 22.07.2024 26.07.2024 | NITTTR |
Faculty Name | Name of FDP | Date FromTo | Organized By |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Cloud Computing | 12.02.2024 16.02.2024 | Wipro |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Life Skills Management & Innovative Teaching Strategies | 04.03.2024 08.03.2024 | NIT Nagaland |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Research Paper Writing & Publishing in High Impact Journals | 26.02.2024 01.03.2024 | NIT Nagaland |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Funding Project Proposal Drafting & IPR Design, Filing, Copyright and Patenting Strategies | 11.03.2024 15.03.2024 | NIT Nagaland |
Dr. V.R. Kavitha | Deep learning | 11.9.2023 15.9.2023 | NITTTR |
Dr. V.R. Kavitha | IoT and its Applications | 6.11.2023 10.11.202 | NITTTR |
Dr. V.R. Kavitha | Artificial Intelligence | 18.12.2023 18.12.2023 | RMKEC |
Dr. V.R. Kavitha | Artificial Intelligence | 31.1.2024 31.1.2024 | TCS |
Dr. V.R. Kavitha | Introduction to Innovation, IP Management & Entrepreneurship | 12.2.2024 12.2.2024 | TCS |
Dr. V.R. Kavitha | Python for Data Science | 01.07.2023 31.08.2023 | NPTEL |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Deep Learning | 11.9.2023 15.9.2023 | NITTTR |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | AI/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 ( Basic Level) | 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 | NITTTR |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Cloud Infrastructure (AWS) | 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 | JNTUK University College of Engineering Narasaraopet , Andhra Pradesh |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Computer Vision using Opencv | 07/08/2023 11/08/2023 | NITTTR |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Data Science using R | 17/07/2023 21/07/2023 | NITTTR |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Modern Web Applications | 20.12.2023 20.12.2023 | RMKEC |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Operating Systems | 09.12.2023 09.12.2023 | RMKCET |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Cloud Computing | 01.07.2023 31.08.2023 | NPTEL |
Ms. S.Jhansi Ida | Developing Softskills and Personality | 01/07/2023 30/09/2023 | NPTEL |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | AI & Cloud: Workshop on responsive AI in the cloud: Leveraging Generative power in the Cloud | 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 | AICTE-ATAL |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Iot and its application | 06/11/2023 10/11/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | AI/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 ( Intermediate Level) | 29/01/2024 02/02/2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Programming in JAVA | 01/01/2024 30/05/2024 | NPTEL |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Computer Vision using Opencv | 08/07/2023 08/11/2023 | NITTTR |
Mr. B. Jayaram | IOT and its applications | 06-11-2023 10-11-2023 | RMKEC |
Mr. B. Jayaram | AI Tools and Prompt Engineering | 27-11-2023 02-12-2023 | AICTE |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Block chain and Digital Forensics Solutions for Medical IOT | 11-12-2023 16-12-2023 | RMKEC |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Communication at work | 10/7/2023 14/10/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Data Science using R | 17/07/2023 21/07/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Effective Curriculum Implementation | 24/7/2023 28/7/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | IoT and its Applications | 6/11/2023 10/11/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Cloud Computing | 01/07/2023 30/10/2023 | NPTEL |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Operaing Systems | 09/12/2023 | RMKCET |
Mr. C.M. Varun | Communication at Work | 10.07.2023 14.07.2023 | NITTTR |
Mr. C.M. Varun | AI/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 | 21.08.2023 25.08.2023 | NITTTR |
Mr. C.M. Varun | Python for Data Science | 01.07.2023 31.08.2023 | NPTEL |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Data Science using R | 17/07/2023 21/07/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | AI/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 ( Basic Level) | 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Deep Learning | 11/09/2023 15/09/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Wireless Networks | 12/02/2024 16/02/2024 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Ethics in Engineering Practice | 01/02/2024 21/04/2024 | NPTEL |
Ms. M. Sindhu | Data Science using R | 17/07/2023 21/07/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. M. Sindhu | Deep Learning | 11/09/2023 15/09/2023 | NITTTR |
Ms. M. Sindhu | Wireless Networks | 12/02/2024 16/02/2024 | NITTTR |
Faculty Name | Name of FDP | Date FromTo | Organized By |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Curriculum Design and Evaluation | 24/Apr/23 28/Apr/23 | NITTTR |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | FDP on How teachers can make a Difference | 03/Apr/23 05/Apr/23 | IIT Madras |
Mr. C.M. Varun | FDP on How teachers can make a Difference | 03/Apr/23 05/Apr/23 | IIT Madras |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | FDP on How teachers can make a Difference | 16/Mar/23 18/Mar/23 | IIT Madras |
Ms. Sindhu M | FDP on How teachers can make a Difference | 16/Mar/23 18/Mar/23 | IIT Madras |
Mr. C.M. Varun | FDP on Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom | 27/Feb/23 03/Mar/23 | NITTTR |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Corporate Social Responsibility for Community Development | 13/Feb/23 17/Feb/23 | NITTTR |
Ms. L.P. Sajitha | Outcome Based Curriculam Design | 13/Feb/23 17/Feb/23 | NITTTR |
Ms. S.Jhansi Ida | ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT | 30/Jan/23 03/Feb/23 | NITTTR |
Ms. L. P. Sajitha | FDP on Curriculum Design for Developing Job related Competencies | 09/Jan/23 13/Jan/23 | NITTTR |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Anna University Sponsored Six days Online FDTP on Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality | 02/Jan/23 07/Jan/23 | R.M.K. College of Engineering and Technology |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Anna University Sponsored Six days Online FDTP on Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality | 02/Jan/23 07/Jan/23 | R.M.K. College of Engineering and Technology |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Database Management Systems | 01/Jan/23 31/Mar/23 | NPTEL |
Mr. C.M. Varun | Introduction to Programming in C | 01/Jan/23 31/Mar/23 | NPTEL |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Developing Academic and Administrative Leadership | 12/Dec/22 16/Dec/22 | NITTTR |
Ms. L. P. Sajitha | FDP on Effective Curriculum Implementation | 12/Dec/22 16/Dec/22 | NITTTR |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Data Science Tools | 07/Oct/22 20/Oct/22 | SRM Easwari Engineering College |
Ms. L. P. Sajitha | FDP on Art of Research Paper Writing and IPR-Level 2 | 20/Sep/22 24/Sep/22 | Sri Krishna Institute of Technology |
Mr. C. M. Varun | Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute FDP | 19/Sep/22 21/Sep/22 | CED, Anna University |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Formal Language and Automata Theory | 30/Aug/22 30/Aug/22 | TCS |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Software Engineering | 25/Aug/22 25/Aug/22 | TCS |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Software Engineering | 25/Aug/22 25/Aug/22 | TCS |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Computer Organization and Architecture | 24/Aug/22 24/Aug/22 | TCS |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Computer Organization and Architecture | 24/Aug/22 24/Aug/22 | TCS |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Amazon Webservices | 22/Aug/22 27/Aug/22 | AICTE and Sridevi Women Engineering College |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | FDP on Amazon Web Services | 22/Aug/22 27/Aug/22 | AICTE and Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Amazon Webservices | 22/Aug/22 27/Aug/22 | AICTE and Sri Krishna College of Enginering and Technology |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | FDP on Amazon Web Services | 22/Aug/22 27/Aug/22 | AICTE and Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology |
Mr. C. M. Varun | FDP on Amazon Web Services | 22/Aug/22 27/Aug/22 | AICTE and Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology |
Ms. L. P. Sajitha | FDP on Amazon Web Services | 22/Aug/22 27/Aug/22 | AICTE and Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Fundamentals of Management | 09/Aug/22 09/Aug/22 | TCS |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Designing and Modeling of AI, ML and IoT systems | 01/Aug/22 05/Aug/22 | AICTE ATAL |
Dr. P. Umaeswari | Big Data Computing | 01/Aug/22 31/Oct/22 | NPTEL |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Design Thinking – A Primer | 01/Aug/22 30/Sep/22 | NPTEL |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Design and Modelling of IoT,AI,ML | 01/Aug/22 05/Aug/22 | AICTE, ATAL, ARM Education, STMicroelectronics |
Mr. C. M. Varun | Big Data Computing | 01/Aug/22 31/Oct/22 | NPTEL |
Mr. C.M. Varun | Big Data Computing | 01/Aug/22 31/Oct/22 | NPTEL |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Design Thinking | 25/Jul/22 25/Jul/22 | TCS |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Instructional Design and Delivery System | 18/Jul/22 23/Jul/22 | NITTTR |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Instructional Design and Delivery System | 18/Jul/22 23/Jul/22 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Instructional Design for Online Courses | 18/Jul/22 23/Jul/22 | NITTTR |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Object Oriented Programming | 16/Jul/22 16/Jul/22 | R.M.K. Engineering College |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 16/Jul/22 19/Jul/22 | R.M.K. Engineering College |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Computer Networks | 15/Jul/22 15/Jul/22 | R.M.K. Engineering College |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Analysis of Algorithms | 12/Jul/22 12/Jul/22 | TCS |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Formal Language and Automata Theory | 09/Jul/22 16/Jul/22 | R.M.K. Engineering College |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Industrial Psychology | 08/Jul/22 08/Jul/22 | TCS |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Emerging Biomedical Technologies for Smarter Healthcare | 04/Jul/22 08/Jul/22 | Government College of Technology, Salem |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Python Programming | 04/Jul/22 09/Jul/22 | R.M.D. Engineering College and Anna University |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Python Programming | 04/Jul/22 09/Jul/22 | R.M.D. Engineering College and Anna University |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Joy of Computing Using Phython | 01/Jul/22 31/Oct/22 | NPTEL |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Business Analytics and Data mining and Modelling using R Part 2 | 01/Jul/22 31/Aug/22 | NPTEL |
Ms. C. Mary Shiba | Joy of Computing using Python | 01/Jul/22 31/Oct/22 | NPTEL |
Faculty Name | Name of FDP | Date FromTo | Organized By |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications | 28/Mar/22 01/Apr/22 | NIT Warangal |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Sensitivity towards sustainability in Technical Education | 14/Mar/22 21/Mar/22 | Government Womens Polytechnic College, Bhopal |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Enhancing Softskills and Personality | 01/Feb/22 30/Apr/22 | NPTEL |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Python Beyond Hands on | 28/Jan/22 03/Feb/22 | Dr. S.Y. Patil Institute of Technology |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Software Defined Radio for Next Generation wireless communication systems | 17/Jan/22 21/Jan/22 | KLE Technological University |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Programming in Java | 01/Jan/22 30/Apr/22 | NPTEL |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Marketing Management for Sustainable Development | 24/Dec/21 31/Dec/21 | VNS Group of Institutions |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Recent Trends in Cloud Computing | 06/Dec/21 11/Dec/21 | AICTE-DRIEMS School |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Great Indian NIRF Ranking | 15/Nov/21 20/Nov/21 | Micro College |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Instructional Design for Online Courses | 25/Oct/21 29/Oct/21 | NITTTR |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Probability & Statistics using R | 25/Oct/21 29/Oct/21 | NITTTR |
Mr. B. Jayaram | Instructional Design for Online Courses | 25/Oct/21 29/Oct/21 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Relational Database Management Systems | 11/Oct/21 13/Oct/21 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Research Methodology & IPR | 13/Sep/21 17/Sep/21 | VELAGAPUDI RAMAKRISHNA SIDDHARTHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | TCS CSBS FDP on Computer Organization and Architecture | 24/Aug/21 27/Aug/21 | TCS |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Computer Organization and Architecture | 24/Aug/21 27/Aug/21 | TCS |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Technology insights on IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | 18/Aug/21 28/Aug/21 | Easwari Engineering College |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | TCS CSBS FDP on Object Oriented Programming | 17/Aug/21 18/Aug/21 | TCS |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | TCS CSBS FDP on Software Engineering | 17/Aug/21 18/Aug/21 | TCS |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | A Blend of Machine Vision, Cyber Security, Block Chain & Applications | 05/Aug/21 18/Aug/21 | Sathyabama University |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Web Development | 05/Aug/21 05/Nov/21 | Pupilfirst and AICTE |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education | 26/Jul/21 30/Jul/21 | AICTE |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Sustainable Business Development | 01/Jul/21 31/Aug/21 | NPTEL |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | NBA Accreditation Process for UG and PG Programs | 21/Jun/21 25/Jun/21 | NITTTR |
Ms. C. Indhumathi | Enhancing Softskills and Personality | 01/Feb/21 30/Apr/22 | NPTEL |
Faculty Name | Name of FDP | Date FromTo | Organized By |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Innovation Ambassador Training | 30/Jun/21 30/Jul/21 | IIC – MoE |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | NBA Accreditation Process for UG and PG Programs | 21/Jun/21 25/Jun/21 | NITTTR |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Research Avenues and Challenges in Industry 4.0 | 14/Jun/21 18/Jun/21 | AICTE ATAL |
Ms. S. Jhansi Ida | Research Avenues and Challenges in Industry 4.0 | 14/Jun/21 18/Jun/21 | ATAL FDP |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | NEP 2020: Vision to Action | 29/Apr/21 29/Apr/21 | IIIT, Kalyani |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Research Methodology | 26/Apr/21 01/May/21 | Kamala Nehru Mahavidhyalaya |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION | 08/Mar/21 15/Mar/21 | Patrician College |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Recent Trends in CSE | 22/Feb/21 27/Feb/21 | ST. MARY’S WOMEN’S ENGINEERING COLLEGE |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Fundamentals of Computing | 11/Aug/20 12/Aug/20 | TCS |
Dr. K. Chidambarathanu | Deep learning and its applications using TensorFlow and Keras | 20/Jul/20 25/Jul/20 | R.M.K. Engineering College |