“Buying fish for a man spoils him, teach him how to fish, he owes you a life”.

Higher food prices, widening gap in the income distribution, Large scale unemployment, Low-paying jobs, Toiling in unstable, Dangerous, Insecure jobs, Limited food resources covers the major chunk of the world poverty pie chart. The interconnecting character and the transmission effect of the all the eight issues, makes it simpler and larger as the increase or decrease in one factor will have direct affect on the other. With all the advancement in technology and social science, the probability of making this effort a successful one now is higher than ever. Re-examination of the existing plan is necessary as most of the poverty education programmes lacks long-sighted vision for the future. Instead of pouring in huge amount of charity into one area, it’s wise if it is directly loaned for services and infrastructural resources. We need to change our attitude rather than letting statistics to decide what needed to be done. Overcoming poverty should be an act of justice, giving every deprived man a chance to rewrite his fate.

We need to halve the proportion of people whose income is less than $1 a day (1.2 billion), which gives you 14% of the total population; an estimate of 500 million. It will bring the world closer to a stage where all the people will have at least the minimum necessary to feed and clothe themselves. Much could be achieved by reforming international trade, so that developing countries receive fair prices for their goods. Halting climate change will also be essential if the progress that has been achieved worldwide is not to be wiped. In a world in which many people are better off than ever before, it is unacceptable that so many others should be struggling to survive.